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  • Lemon Madeira
  • A cake or a warming winter pudding A new-look Madeira that's really different
  • This cake is delicious eaten when you've lust poured over the hot syrup, or cold with the lemon topping.
  • 50g. comfiour
    175g. self. raising flour, sieved
    1tsp. baking powder
    200g. butter or margarine, softened
    259g. caster sugar
    2 tsp. lemon rind
    2 eggs, size 3
    1tbsp. golden syrup
    2 tbsp. milk
    6-7tbsp lemon juice hot
    175g. icing sugar
    175g. lemon curd
    angelica to decorate
  • 'Line base of loaf dish. Sieve the flours and baking powder together. Beat 125g. butter and 175g. caster sugar together until the mixture is creamy and pale 2Add the grated rind to the butter and sugar Beat in eggs one at a time, and syrup. Fold in sifted flour. Add milk to give a soft dropping consistency. Spoon mixture into the prepared dish and level the surface. Cook on High for 6-7 minutes, turning dish several times for ovens without turn tables. - 4 Mix sugar and hot lemen juice together. Turn out cake onto a board or tray and pour on the syrup. Cool fully if you wish to ice. Beat together the rest Of the butter, icing sugar and lemon curd. when smooth. spread neatly over the top and sides with a palette knife. Then pipe rosettes on top and decorate with angelica.
    Perfect to make and freeze for weekend guests. Store wrapped in foil for maximum freshness

